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As you click on the Dashboard option, you'll be shown various lists, that will make it easy for you to understand how your business and sales have been doing. Your dashboard is like a report card. It shows you all the results of your transactions and orders, all in one place. Consider the dashboard as the summary of your business, in real time. The dashboard helps you look out for your overall business transactions.The most important points related to your business transactions will be shown here. Below are all the major things shown at your dashboard.

The recent order section lets you look at every order ever placed. Each order is labelled with an order number, date and time on which the order was placed, the number of items that were ordered, the amount related to it and the status of the order. The status of every order is either processing which means that the order is being processed for delivery, or cancelled.

Total orders mean all the completed orders that have been placed at your business. You can easily check the total order for a day, week or month.

The total sales report gives you the overall statistics of your business' sales. It helps you monitor, with graphs and pointers, how much dip or rise in your sales have happened over time (like a day, week or month). Effective monitoring of the sales report can help you understand what makes your business better and what needs improving.