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Offers are the incentives you plan on gving to your cusomters, to boost your sales and brand value. They allow you to indulge with customers through reduced price and marking in a long term clientele with your customers. Offers attract traffic to your business and it's a foolproof way of boosting your brand's name. You can further check all the active offers, which are still running as well as the inactive ones.

To create a new offer#

Step 1. Simply click on New Offer Step 2. Fill in all the details, like offer title, type and description Step 3. Add coupon details, if any Step 4. Add amount details if it's a price off kind of offer.

There are two types of offer type, Discount in Percentage, which means that a certain per cent discount is offered, ex- 50% off on shoes.

Another one is the Flat Discount, which is the discount given on the total of a customer's purchase. For example, suppose a client buys products worth 10,000/- and he/she is eligible for a flat document through your offer of 25% off, the 25% off will be from the overall 10,000/- of the revenue, and therefore the customer is entitled to pay only 7500/-.

For coupons details, you can add the code that will be used by the customer. You can also set an expiry date for your coupons. You can add a minimum and maximum value for your discount as well as the discount limit. For example, a customer can only get a particular discount if his total shopping purchase is more than 1500/-. That means the minimum value to avail of this discount is 1500/-.

(insert screenshot of coupon details)

Some offers can be POS Only, meaning Point of Sale only. So any offer marked as POS will only be visible to you as a merchant and it will not be visible to customers. POS Only are the offers that only you as the merchant can apply for.

You can update an offer, by clicking on the little pencil-like icon.

If you want to edit an existing offer, click the icon under the Edit section and fill in the new details.

(insert screenshot for update an offer)

To delete an offer, simply swipe the toggle under the Status to activate or deactivate an offer.